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Why Write a Story?

A poem for indie writers


By Norbert Monfort

Work demands your attention. 

Bills and repairs require your focus.

Children need your presence. 

Your spouse desires your every spare moment. 

Sleep beckons. 

Then, there's family, friends and other commitments.

Who has time to write a story?

Agents are too busy. 

Editors are too expensive. 

Publishers are too picky.

Writing contests tease. 

Reviewers are innudated.

The public is difficult to entice. 

Your family lacks the time and your friends are over committed. 

Who will read your story?

It’s not for the glamour. 

It’s not for the glory. 

It’s not for the fame. 

It's not for the money. 

It's not for the respect of others.

So, why write a story?

I write to create a unique and magical world

Where mysteries abound and ordinary people become heroes; 

Where adventure is the norm and surprises are around every corner.

I write because when I'm done I marvel

That regardless of how unstylish the prose or inadequate the dialog,

I managed to create something truly original. 

It is my art form. 

I write to see if I can make someone smile, laugh, think or cry. 

I write to see if I can get someone to escape into my world;

So they can forget about the demands on them, even if for a brief moment. 

I write on the off chance, that one day,

I may make a difference to someone

And make the world a just slightly better place.

So, I steal just a little attention from work

And some focus from bills and repairs.

I deny just a small amount of presence from my children

And a few spare moments from my spouse. 

I miss a fair amount of needed slumber. 

All of this I do to ensure

That every word is well placed, every sentence makes sense and every thought is complete. 

All of this I do to write a story.


By Norbert Monfort



What is success?

Is it winning every game?

Is it glamour, glory or fame?

Is it showing that you are the best?

Or is it simply passing every test?

What is success?

I say true success comes from within

It isn’t shown by a loss or a win

It is gained by giving it your all

By getting up after every fall

Yes, only through effort can success be defined

And through the lack of it can failure be assigned

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